A downloadable demos for Windows, macOS, and Linux

here be demos

one may also call them small or unfinished projects

(one of them is pretty much just a splashscreen.)

The projects available for download here are three visual novels;

  • ygotgm (Yuri Goes Out to Get Milk): An unfinished project, leaving behind an extensive intro with many secrets to find. It has some mature themes, but would rather spend most of its time being neurotic about foodstuffs & ego.
  • walobuthfa (WATERLOGGED BULLBEGGAR THOROUGHFARE): While it is completed, it's far shorter than ygotgm, and is completely linear. This novel is about going out of bounds, and being punished for it.
  • AXEXE (executioner's AX.exe): The AX is short for "Azimuth". At least, I saw somewhere that AX is short for azimuth, but I can't find anything that says that anymore. I was really quiet about this project, so I could only find an extremely early version of this one saved somewhere. This one is pretty much just a splashscreen.

These projects were recovered thanks to accidental archival. Which is to say, I've already felt enough shame to try and get rid of these things in the first place, so if you think any of it's garbage, then great! We're already on the same page.

I've been able to feel less burdened by these things now, though, and so if you're interested in digging around in my trash bin then go ahead! These things are from years ago, and practically belong to an entirely different person.
    (is this graverobbing?)

So if you have a fascination with embarrassingly vulnerable amateur works, then go right ahead. The only changes I made was a single fix in ygotgm in which there was a missing scene jump, and then repackaging the zip. Other than that, they've been left completely untouched from how I found them.

ygotgm and AXEXE only have windows versions, but they've ran just fine for me in wine using arch linux. walobuthfa has windows, linux, and mac versions, and they've all been tested to work except for the mac version. (using win10, kubuntu, and arch).


ygotgm_beta-0.5.5-win.tar.bz2 101 MB
walobuthfa-1.0-pc.zip 82 MB
walobuthfa-1.0-mac.zip 48 MB
AXEXE-0.1.0-win.zip 26 MB